Final Year · Post Directory · Semester Two

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Introducing Pethood: Zara’s Story (here)

“After a semester of intensive effort, ‘Pethood: Zara’s Story’ is finished – a declaration of the hard work the team has committed to creating an animated documentary.”

Creating the Parallax: Research, Rationality and Implementation (here)

“It was whilst in a team meeting that the concept of a parallax had first been addressed – the process would enable us to exploit the illustrative, expressive style of the animation visuals whilst complementing the format of storytelling, and as a tribute to the key source of inspiration, Walt Peregoy.”

It’s a Long Way (It’s a Hallway) (here)

“The full construct shows the development in tone, as the hope and gentleness of a new relationship have blossomed into happiness and joy. That minor flux of energy has increased somewhat, but is subtle in comparison to the excitable nature of Zara as she enters the scene.”

Urban Myths (Formally Known as Problematic Mythical Hipsters) (here)

“Before settling down to draw the environment concept art for Charlie, I felt that it would be best to sit with her and really get to know her project, her intentions, her characters, and any other form of information that she could provide me.”

The Environment Foundations (here)

“In the imagery shown in figure two, I have created some grey-scale initial sketches that encapsulate the assets and layout of how each environment appears.”

What is the Current Market? (here)

“This story is only one of many endearing tales that explore the relationship between animals and their owners, but from my impression during the investigation, the stories are very to the point and miss an opportunity to hit the emotional mark with the audience.”

The Limitations of Coriolanus (here)

“The physical space within the venue is the unique selling point of the production, and brought an unusual complication to the set designers – how to tell the story within the limits of the boundary of the stage.”

The Atmospheric Ambitions of Frankenstein (here)

“The sensory world of Frankenstein is a very important element of the production. It is key to the character development, implementing the importance of environment from the very beginning.”

Set-to-Set Transitions (here)

“The staging decision that is currently being considered is incorporating everything around a static camera position, with the background changing around the protagonist – the dog character – rather than utilising transitions and movements which could detract from the intention of focus.”

The Psychology of Pet Ownership (here)

“The enquiry as to why humans appeared to respond to animal companions in a similar way to their own offspring, or sexual partners, encouraged the researchers to share their speculations and theories.”

The Animated Documentary: Intentions, Theories and Revelations (here

“Journalism is suitable for the daily world, as information is constantly evolving; the medium has moulded itself to reflect that pace. Documentaries, by contrast, are a creative piece of explorative configuration, nonconformed by restrictions such as word count, quotas and realtor space to share the information.”

Every other post for Major Project can be accessed through the category link, found here.

Additional notes for Major Project can be found on pages 1-2, 6-16, 18-20, 30, 34-36 and 40-41 of my green notebook.


Graduation Portfolio (here)

“The business cards were perhaps the most challenging element of show preparation, as I had struggled for weeks to create an interesting design that communicated my aesthetic, without being over dramatic.”

A discussion with Anotherwellkeptsecret: Patreon, Passion and the Experience of a Freelance Artist (here) [Password: Netwerk] 

“Undiscouraged, it still felt appropriate that I followed through with another of my initial short-term goals before concluding the semester – Kelley,  as a free-lance artist with an online following and comfortable amount of subscribers on the funding site Patreon, had the most similar business module to my own.”

Guest Talks: Gerard Dunleavy, William Simpson, Dog Ears and Jam Media (here)

“Throughout the semester, I was fortunate enough to be involved in some of the events that were occurring both within the studio and out in exterior places, such as the Engine Room gallery exhibition. Each talk offered a unique perspective into the creative industry and provided valuable insight into their perception of the current employment climate.”

Experience China Programme 2017 (part 1: here) (part 2: here)

“Although the experience does not interlink directly with my ambition to be a freelance artist and comic creator, I prefer being rather unorthodox with my methods of approaching a situation; seeing things from a fresh perspective has always benefitted me greater than charging ahead with perceived notions that turn out to be falsified.”

DECAF Comic Event (part 1: here) (part 2: here)

“The main intention of our trip was to meet new comic artists and support the community. One belief that I have always held is that the border between North and South should not divide the comic industry of the Isle of Ireland – the industry is small, personable, and supportive.”

Additional notes for Design, Presentation and Report can be found on pages 3-5, 17, 21-29, 31-34 and 37-40 of my little green notebook.

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